Peanut Butter + Protein Banana Cups

Do you need assistance with taking steps towards achieving your weight loss/health goals? The Unique Muscle 12 WEEK LEAN UP Healthy Eating Guide is a FREE guide to help you achieve your goals the healthy way and in time for summer! Click here to download!

This is a homemade, clean eating candy! Just be sure not to over-indulge and try to enjoy sparingly ☺️ Are you ready for these amazingly delicious bites?


3/4 cup dark chocolate chips (can also be dark chocolate cut into small pieces from a bar) - be sure to use high quality chocolate
1 medium banana, peeled and sliced into 16 rounds
1/4 cup all-natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon Lean Up Protein Powder - Vanilla Coconut
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil, (unrefined extra-virgin preferred)
16 (1.25-inch) baking cups - small baking cups!

Before starting, place a sheet of baking paper on the counter top for preparation. Set the baking cups on top.
Melt chocolate in a double-boiler or in a small sauce pan over low heat. Allow to cool slightly. In the meantime, combine the melted coconut oil, Lean Up - Vanilla Coconut and peanut butter.

Add approximately 1 teaspoon melted chocolate to the bottom of each baking cup, followed by one banana slice, 1 teaspoon peanut butter mixture, and lastly drop about 1/2 teaspoon melted chocolate in the center of each cup. Carefully place cups on a freezer safe dish or casserole pan. Cover and place in the freezer until set, approximately for 1 hour.

NOTE: These Peanut Butter Banana Cups thaw quickly. For best results, enjoy one at a time after allowing to set at room temperature about 2 to 3 minutes.

For more tips and meal ideas, download our FREE 12 WEEK LEAN UP Healthy Eating Guide!

Click here to download!

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