Do you need assistance with taking steps towards achieving your weight loss/health goals? The Unique Muscle 12 WEEK Healthy Eating Guide is a FREE guide to help you achieve your goals the healthy way! Click here to download!



Instagram is a big part of Unique Muscle, it’s a place where we connect with our customers, share content and grow our community.

We have been on the platform since 2014 and have witnessed firsthand how it has transformed the way businesses communicate with their audience.

You may have noticed that in recent times we announced that we had deleted over 2000+ posts from our feed.

Here’s why.

Instagram becoming so popular has caused what we saw as “content fatigue” – businesses and influencers are told to post a lot more content to stand out (4+ posts a day) which in turn creates an overwhelming amount of scrolling and screen time for everyone.

We found ourselves constantly trying to churn out multiple posts in order to stay “fresh” in our audiences minds but found that by doing this it caused two things to happen:

  1. Our content wasn’t inspiring our followers as much as it used to
  2. Our content wasn’t inspiring ourselves as much as it used to

So we made a decision to stop. Despite everything we’re told by the Instagram “experts”, we decided the oversupply of content wasn’t good for us or our audience and we weren’t going to do it anymore.

We are going to be conscious of our audience’s time and protect our own creative process by only posting the content that we feel is the MOST valuable thing we can share that day.

That means one good post a day on Instagram.

Our mission has always been to mentor our customers on their journey to healing, growth and vibrant health so that’s what we will keep doing while we continue to navigate the social media world.

Thank you for joining us on this journey and we hope you gain more value from us as a business moving forward.

Charlie xx

For more tips and meal ideas, download our FREE 12 WEEK Healthy Eating Guide!  Click here to download.



Hi Sarah, please contact us through the contact page and we will assist you to download it :) thanks

Customer Care February 13, 2020

I am unable to download the ab workout ebook

Sarah Rangiwai February 13, 2020

Total respect!! Anymore than one post is overkill. I tend to remember things in moderation because there’s already so much going on upstairs before I log onto insta.

Tanya August 21, 2019

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